Some Weather Facts and Records
Greatest rainfall in a day: 73.62 inches (Reunion, Indian Ocean; March 15, 1952)
Greatest rainfall in a year: 1,041 inches (Assam, India; August 1880-1881)
World's one minute rainfall record: July 4, 1956, 1.23 inches of rain fell in Unionville, MD.
Greatest snowfall in a day: 75.8 inches (Silver Lake, Colorado; April 14-15, 1921)
Greatest snowfall in a single storm: 189 inches (Mt. Shasta, California; February 13-19, 1959)
Saratoga Springs, NY greatest snowfall: 58 inches (1888, March 11-14)
Largest hailstone: 17.5 inches (Coffeyville, Kansas; September 3, 1979) , weight 1.67 pounds
Fastest surface wind speed: 231 miles per hour (Mount Washington, New Hampshire; April 12, 1934)
Fastest tornado winds: 286 miles per hour (Wichita Falls, Texas; April 2, 1958)
Highest world temperature: 136° F / 58° C, Al Aziziyah, Libya, 13 September, 1922
Highest USA temperature: 134° F / 56.7° C, Death Valley, California, 10 July, 1913
Lowest world temperature: -128.6°F / -89.6°C, Vostok Station, Antarctica, 21 July 1983
Lowest world temperature in inhabited area: -90.4° F / -68° C, Oymyakon, Siberia (pop. 4,000), 6 February, 1933 and also at Verkhoyansk, Siberia, 3 January, 1885.
Lowest USA temperature: -79.8° F / -62.1° C, Prospect Creek, Alaska, 23 January, 1971.
Lowest USA (48 contiguous states) temperature: -69.7° F / -56.5° C, Rogers Pass, Montana, 20 January, 1954.
Lowest Northern Hemisphere Temperature: -81°F /-62.78°C; Snag, Yukon Territory(Canada); 2 February, 1947.
Fastest tornado winds: 286 miles per hour (Wichita Falls, Texas; April 2, 1958).
Longest tornado path: 293 miles on the ground, 1917, traveled from Missouri to Indiana.